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Diplazium cordifolium Blume
Family: AthyriaceaeGenus: Diplazium
Diplazium cordifolium Blume
C. L. Blume, Enumeratio Plantarum Javae . Leiden: J.W. van Leeuwen, 1828.
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C. Christensen and Holttum, R. E., “The Ferns of Mount Kinabalu”, Gardens' Bull.Straits Settlements, vol. 7 , pp. 191-324, 1934.
M. Kato, “Taxonomic studies of Pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram”, Journal of the faculty of science, University of Tokyo, Section III. Botany, vol. 15 , pp. 135-152, 1994.
R. E. Holttum, A revised Flora of Malaya II. Ferns. Singapore: Government Printing Office, 1968, p. 653.
E. B. Copeland, “Aspidiaceae of New Guinea”, The Philippine Journal of Science, vol. 78, no. "1949", pp. 389-474, 1951.
B. S. Parris, Beaman, R. S., and Beaman, J. H., The Plants of Mount Kinabalu. 1. Ferns and Fern allies, vol. 1. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, 1992, p. 165.
E. B. Copeland, Fern Flora of the Philippines. Manilla: Institute of science and technology, 1958, p. 557.
P. H. Hovenkamp and Cicuzza, D., “Ferns of Sulawesi”. 2015.
Synonyms: 2
- lectotype: SING - Herbarium - Holttum SFN 39461
- lectotype: L - Herbarium - Van Hasselt s.n.
- syntype: L - herb. Blume - L 0051533
- holotype: K - K000473101 - Forbes 459
- holotype: MICH - Herb. Copeland - Copeland 1287
- syntype: L - herb. Blume - L.3541106
- lectotype: MICH - Herbarium specimens - Ramos & Edano BS 75652