
Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
1H. Christ1899Fougères de Mengtze
1E. Rosenstock1917Filices palaeotropicae novae Herbarii Lugduno-Batavi
8R. E. Holttum1953A New Fern from Malaya
25T. Makino1899Plantae Japonensis novae vel minus cognitae
31G. F. Hose1899A Catalogue of the Ferns of Borneo...
37J. G. Baker1879Report on a collection of ferns made in the North of Borneo by Mr. F.W. Burbidge
51C. M. Costion, Lorence D. H.2012The Endemic Plants of Micronesia: A Geographical Checklist and Commentary
55A. J. Cavanilles1804Del macrocnemo y de algunas plantas decubiertas por los Españoles
56D. B. Lellinger1984 New Combinations and Some New Names in Ferns
61M. Tagawa1972Ferns of Borneo, collected by M. Hirano and M. Hotta 6
67C. Curtis1894A catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns growing wild in the island of Penang
69B. S. Parris1986New combinations in Filices
69C. Christensen1911Pteridophyta in insula Quelpaert a cl. P. Taquet anno 1910 lecta
69O. Stapf1894On the Flora of Mount Kinabalu, in North Borneo
73M. Mitsuta1985List of West Sumatran Ferns and Fern Allies collected by Dr. M. Hotta and others during 1980-1983 (3)
78L. Y. Kuo, Ebihara, A., Kato, M., Rouhan, G., Ranker, T. A., Wang, C. N., Chiou, W. L.2018Morphological characterization of infra-generic lineages in Deparia (Athyriaceae: Polypodiales)
79T. Makino1906Observations on the Flora of Japan
80E. B. Copeland1939New or Interesting Ferns from Micronesia, Fiji and Samoa
100G. Mettenius1859Über einige Farngattungen. Asplenium.
102J. G. Baker1885Ferns collected in North Formosa by Mr. WM. Hancock
115C. Hasskarl1843Adnotationis de plantis ...
118B. S. Parris1980New combinations in South-East Asian ferns
119E. B. Copeland1907Pteridophyta Halconensis
119R. E. Holttum1937Notes on Malayan ferns, with descriptions of five new species
120E. Rosenstock1914Filices extremi orientis novae
121J. G. Baker1894New Ferns of 1892-3
129E. B. Copeland1929New or Interesting Ferns
129R. E. Holttum, Roy S. K.1965Cytological observations on ferns from New Guinea with descriptions of new species
135M. Kato1994Taxonomic studies of Pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram
139E. B. Copeland1913Notes on some Javan ferns
140N. A. Wakefield1942A new Victorian genus of ferns
145E. B. Copeland1915Notes on Bornean Ferns
153H. Christ1907Spicilegium Filicum Philippinensium
162E. Rosenstock1913Filices novoguineensis Keysseranae
162E. Rosenstock1913Filices novoguineensis Keysseranae 2
169F. K. Butters1917Taxonomic and Geographic studies in North American Ferns
169M. D. Tindale1987A new genus and three new species of Pteridophytes from North Eastern Queensland
172G. Kunze1848In filices Javae Zollingeriana (172-177)
173R. C. Ching1940The studies of Chinese ferns - XXXIII
175T. C. Chambers, Jermy, A. C., Crabbe, J. A.1971A collection of ferns from Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides
176J. G. Baker1889New ferns from Western China
180M. Tagawa1973New Combinations of Fern Names
189H. Christ1902Filices Bodinierianae
192P. J. F. Schur1858Die siebenbürgische Farne
193T. -Blot1932Les Aspleniées du Tonkin
212E. Rosenstock2014Filices Sumatranae novae
215C. V. Morton1973Studies of fern types, II
222J. G. Baker1886On a collection of ferns made in North Borneo by the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak
223C. Sprengel1821Filicum novarum manipulus


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith