
Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
W. J. Hooker1860Species Filicum 3
W. J. Hooker1861A second century of ferns
W. Jackson Hooker, Arnott, G. A. Walker, Beechey, F. William1841The botany of Captain Beechey's voyage
W. J. Hooker, Greville R. K.1827Icones Filicum Pt 2, pl. 21-40
K. Iwatsuki, Kato M.1980Enumeration of Kalimantan pteridophytes collected during 1978-79 (2)
G. F. Kaulfuss1824Enumeratio Filicum
G. Kunze1837Analecta pteridographica
G. Kunze1846In filices Javae Zollingerianas
G. Kunze1851Filices Nilagiricae
J. - B. Lamarck, Poiret J. Louis Mari1783Encyclopédie méthodique: botanique
H. F. Link1833Hortus regius botanicus Berolinensis
A. Löve, Löve D.1977New Combinations in Ferns
E. J. Lowe1868Ferns: British and Exotic
G. Mettenius1856Filices horti botanici Lipsiensis
F. A. W. Miquel1868Filices auct. F.A. Guil. Miquel
T. Moore1857Index Filicum (Moore)
J. Anders Murray1784Systema vegetabilium (Murray)
B. K. Nayar, Kaur S.1974Companion to R.H. Beddome's Handbook
B. S. Parris, Beaman, R. S., Beaman, J. H.1992The Plants of Mount Kinabalu. 1. Ferns and Fern allies
J. L. M. Poiret1817Encyclopédie Botanique. Suppl. 5
C. B. Presl1825Reliquiae Haenkeanae
C. B. Presl1851Epimeliae Botanicae
M. G. Price1972Notes on Philippine ferns
M. G. Price1983Several Unusual Malesian Diplazia
M. G. Price1987Sabah ferns collected by John H. Beaman
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E. Regel1860Diplazium katzeri
A. Jåhan Retzius1779Observationes botanicae
A. Richard1834Sertum Astrolabianum
E. Rosenstock1915Filices novoguineenses novae, a cl. G. Blamler anno 1914 collectae
inGriffiths W. Roxburgh1844The Cryptogamous Plants of Dr. Roxburgh
C. Schkuhr1804Kryptogamische Gewächse
B. C. Seemann1873Flora Vitiensis
J. Smith1841Enumeratio Filicum Philippinarum
J. Smith1857Catalogue of the Ferns in the Royal Gardens of Kew
J. Smith1866Ferns: British and Foreign
J. Smith1879Ferns: British and Foreign, new and enlarged edition
C. Sprengel1827Systema Vegetabilium. Editio decima sexta
O. Swartz1801Genera et species filicum ordine systematico redactarum
O. Swartz1803Observationes botanicae genera et species Filicum illustrantes
O. Swartz1806Synopsis Filicum (Sw.)
M. Tagawa1959Coloured illustrations of the Japanese Pteridophyta
M. Tagawa1962Diplazium donianum and its allies of the Ryukyu Islands, a preliminary account
D. Petit- A. Thouars1811Observations sur les plantes des Iles australes de l'Afrique
C. Peter Thunberg1784Flora Japonica
V. Alderwerelt1908Malayan ferns
Alderwerelt1912New or Interesting Malayan Ferns 4
V. Alderwerelt1913New or Interesting Malayan Ferns 5
V. Alderwerelt1914New or Interesting Malayan Ferns 6
V. Alderwerelt1915New or interesting Malayan Ferns 7


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith