
Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
225A. H. G. Alston1940Undescribed ferns from New Guinea
226J. Houlston, Moore T.1851The genera and species of cultivated ferns
233H. Christ1906Filices Cavalerianae II
251G. Panigrahi1975Taxonomic notes on certain taxa of Asiatic ferns
251E. B. Copeland1906New Philippine Ferns II
253E. Fournier1873Filices Novae-Caledoniae
256J. G. Baker1887On a further collection of ferns made in North Borneo by the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak
263C. Christensen1937New or noteworthy Papuan ferns
265C. Christensen1931Asiatic Pteridophyta collected by Joseph F. Rock 1920-1923
267R. E. Holttum1947New species of vascular plants from the Malay Peninsula
267M. G. Price1990Philippine fern notes
275W. A. Sledge1962The Athyrioid ferns of Ceylon
277E. B. Copeland1908Ferns of southern China
283C. V. Morton1974William Roxburgh's Fern Types
285E. B. Copeland1908A revision of the Philippine species of Athyrium
291E. B. Copeland1929New or Interesting Philippine Ferns, VII
292E. Rosenstock1907Filices novae II
293J. G. Baker1882On a collection of ferns made by the rev. R.B. Comins in the Solomon Islands
297A. - N. Desvaux1811Observations sur quelques nouveaux genres de fougères et sur plusieures espèces nouvelles de la même famille
308R. E. Holttum1966Some Plants New or Rare to Thailand with Descriptions of New Species - Filices
317R. E. G. Pich Sermolli1991The pteridological collections of the G.R.S.T.S. Expedition to the coastal region of north-eastern Queensland
319G. Hieronymus1917Kleine Mitteilungen über Pteridophyten 1
321E. Rosenstock1912Filices novo-guineensis Bamlerianae et Keysseranae
327R. E. Holttum1965Four new species of ferns from New Guinea
330C. B. Presl1836Tentamen Pteridographiae
333W. J. Hooker1857Florula Hongkongensis. Ferns.
334B. Hayata1928On the Systematic Importance of the Stelar System in the Filicales, III
345J. MIlde1870Ueber Athyrium, Asplenium und Verwandte
370E. Rosenstock1908Filices novo-guineensis novae
375M. Kato1984A Taxonomic Study of the Athyrioid Fern Genus Deparia with main Reference to the Pacific Species
389E. B. Copeland1951Aspidiaceae of New Guinea
399J. Amann1861Opsomming der vaatkrijptogamen van het eiland Bangka
425C. B. Clarke1880A Review of the Ferns of Northern India
441G. Kunze1846In filices Javae Zollingerianas... (fortsetzung)
445H. Christ1901Reliquiae Weinlandianae
468T. Hosokawa1942Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XXII
484J. G. Baker1875Asplenium pullingeri
524E. Rosenstock1913Filices novoguineensis Keysseranae 3
545R. E. Holttum1954A new Malayan Athyrium
567G. Kunze1843Pugillus secundus plantarum
817H. Christ1899Filices Faurieanae
939W. J. Hooker1854Diplazium (Oxygonium) elegans
1005H. Christ1906Filices Insularum Philippinarum
1149E. B. Copeland1911New ferns from Sibuyan
1679E. B. Copeland1914Some ferns of North-Eastern Mindanao
3107E. B. Copeland1920A few new ferns from Mt. Bulusan
3139C. Christensen1933Report of Mount Pinatubo ferns
Fof Australia1998Ferns, Gymnosperms and Allied Groups
J. G. Baker1868Synopsis Filicum
J. G. Baker1874Synopsis Filicum Ed. 2


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith